Daily Bulletin:

Tuesday, January 24:


Breakfast for Tomorrow:

Breakfast Pizza





Lunch for Tomorrow:

Turkey & Cheese Sub Sandwich

Fresh Veggies






-Close-Up members please bring 6 bottles of pop by this Thursday.


-Attention St John & Holy Trynity Students: Jesus Night tomorrow night is a Magnify at the Mount night. We will have a bus at St. John’s parking lot in Fordyce by 6 p.m. Bus will depart at 6:15 p.m. Supper will be served at the Mount. This is for Jr. High and High School students

-Attention Juniors! A reminder that the application for the Hartington Chamber of Commerce Student Representative is due Wednesday, January 25th at the end of the school day. This needs to be handed in to Mr. Kneifl.

-Attention Juniors and Seniors! Please see Mr. Kneifl by noon today if you plan on taking the ASVAB test.

-HS Basketball at Plainview today. 4:00 JV girls -full game; 5:00 JV boys 3 qtrs; 6:15 Varsity girls, w/Varsity boys to follow. Dismiss the team at 2:10; Team bus leaves at 2:20


-Bowling Dual at home today at 5:30pm


-Wrestling Triangular today at Winnebago at 6:00pm


-There will be a Blood Drive on Thursday from 12:30-6:00 at the Trinity Lutheran Fellowship Hall. They would like you to make an appointment by calling 800-287-4903.

- Social Intelligence includes a person’s ability to understand, empathize with, and act on, the feelings, thoughts, and behaviors of other people. Examples of social intelligence include knowing when to talk or listen, what to say, and what to do.


-Carson & Turner are leading the Kiss the Pig competition with a total of $53.39.  Mr. Mike Johnson & Ken/Liv are following behind for 2nd & 3rd place. Please continue to bring your bills and coins to ensure your favorite will get to kiss the pig.  Final day will be February 7th.