Daily Bulletin

Monday, August 30:


Breakfast for tomorrow:

French Toast





Lunch for Tomorrow:


Lettuce & Tomatoes

Red Pepper Strips

Pineapple Chunks




-Beginner Band Night tonight at 6pm in the Commons.


-Marching Band will march outside 3rd period every day this week weather permitting.


-Teacher In-Service on Wednesday. Noon dismissal.


-Button order forms are in Mrs. Pedersen’s room or the Central Office. Please turn in forms as soon as possible!


-Attention students in grades 9-12:  Auditions for speaking parts in the one-act will take place tomorrow.  Please sign up for a time on the sheet on the bulletin board if you would like to try out for a speaking role.  If you would just like to be a member of the chorus or ensemble, you do not need to try out, you just need to sign up on the sheet on the bulletin board.  If you would like to audition for a part, but cannot make it on the 31st, please see Mr. Johnson.


-Mrs. Kneifl will have Detention Hall next week Aug. 30 – Sept 3.


-Hartington Youth Bowling League for Grades 4th - 12th will have a Parents Meeting @ 5:30 at Broadway Lanes tonight. Practice will be on Mondays after school; League bowling will be on Tuesdays after school. Cost is $55 for the league and a USBC membership. Practice will start on September 7th with league running September 14th through November 9th . Contact Nate Holan at 402-841-8322 with any questions