Monday, January 11:


Breakfast for Tomorrow:






Lunch for Tomorrow:

Turkey & Gravy on Mashed Potatoes

Green Beans

Rosey Applesauce




-Congratulations to Keegan Carl on his second place finish at the Wrestling Meet in Winside on Saturday.

-There will be a Speech Meeting today during Homeroom in Mrs. O’Brien’s room.

-Jr. High Basketball at Osmond today at 2:30pm. This is only a girl’s game. Team bus will leave at 1:15; dismiss the team at 1:00.

-FFA Officer Meeting tomorrow

-There will be a Junior Class Meeting during homeroom tomorrow in Mrs. Pedersen’s room.

-High School Girls Basketball vs. Randolph tomorrow. This will be Varsity only starting at 6:30pm.

-Concession Stand Workers for tomorrow’s game are:

Set - Up during Homeroom: Lauren Howell & Kendra Anderson

6:00 – Clean-Up: Dane Gotch & Carter Kelly

-“Fitness in 10” on Tuesdays & Thursdays for girls in grades 9-12. Report to the weightroom. Dismiss at 3:17.