Daily Bulletin:

Monday, April 15:

Breakfast for Tomorrow:

Chocolate Bread




Lunch for Tomorrow:

Soft Shell Taco

Lettuce & Tomatoes




-HNS HS track invite today at 2:00; dismiss the team at 12:30. **note the time change

-All Juniors & Seniors: Please pick up all of your prom stuff from Mrs. Pedersen’s room today. This includes lost & found, prizes, t-shirts, etc…

-These students need to see Mrs. Peitz today: Molly Kathol, Tyler Hutchinson, Ayden Rosener, Carmen Buschkamp, Logan Opfer, Alejandra Reyes, Maddie Steffen and McKenzie Bruning

- There will be a girl’s golf meeting at Cedar Wednesday for interested girls in grades 8th-11th @ 2:30 (early dismissal that day).

-School Blood Drive is tomorrow, QR Codes for sign up are found around school. Need to be 16 with a parent permission form, found at the front office. 

-Attention Holy Trinity St. Michael Confirmation Class 2024:

All Confirmation homework is due on Sunday, April 21st

Anytime between 8:45 am – 10:00 am @ Holy Trinity Parish meeting room. Students must turn in the homework in person.