Wednesday, February 21 Daily Bulletin

Breakfast for Tomorrow: Lunch for Tomorrow:

Breakfast Pizza Tetrazzini

Fruit Breadstick

Juice Fresh Veggies

Milk Pears



Speech Team, please check your email for a note from Mr. Johnson.

It’s National FFA Week!  Today’s dress up day is “Dress Like a Farmer or Rancher.”

Tomorrow’s dress up day is “Wear Camo.”

A reminder that there are Big Cat/Little Cat activities in classrooms today.

A reminder that there will be a meeting on Thursday, February 22 at 2:30 for all juniors and sophomores to work on application to the Northeast Community College Early College/Dual Credit program. If students already have an application on file they may only be in the meeting for 15 minutes. Once students have the application completed they will return to class or Learning Center.

There will be a short golf meeting for all boys interested in going out for golf on Thursday, February 22nd right after school in the Science Lab. If you cannot attend this meeting for some reason but you want to participate in golf please see Mr. Kneifl or Mr. Johnson.