Daily Bulletin:

Wednesday, April 12:


Breakfast for Tomorrow:

Pumpkin Bread





Lunch for Tomorrow:

Pork Steak

Mashed Potatoes & Gravy


Fresh Veggies





-LCC Golf Invite tomorrow at 10:00.


-HNS Jr. High Track Invite at 2:00 tomorrow. Dismiss the team at 12:45.


-7-12 Choir Wed April 12th 6th Period; 7-12 Band Wed April 12th 7th Period


-Remember that class signup sheets are due Thursday.  Please turn these in as soon as possible to the office.  Your signup sheets determine the class schedule, so please make it a priority to get this taken care of immediately.

-Spring Blood drive is taking place next Tuesday, 18th. Goal is to have 13 people give blood, sign-up sheets are posted around school via QR code. If you are a first time donor, parent permission forms can be picked up in the school office.  


-Congrats to the boys on their performances yesterday at the Cedar Invite.  The team finished 2nd overall.

Cole Rosener 1st long jump, 4th 100 M

Cole Heimes 3rd triple jump, 2nd 300 Hurdles

Lane Heimes 2nd pole vault

Kale Korth 1st 110 Hurdles, 3rd pole vault, 3rd 300 Hurdles

Ky Rice 6th 300 Hurdles

Mayson McIntosh 1st 200 M, 2nd 400 M

Landon McIntosh 6th 200 M

400 Relay 2nd Kale, Mayson, Lane, Ky

3200 Relay 5th Isaac, Alan, Dane, Dalton

1600 Relay 3rd Cole R. Cole H. Mayson Landon

The next meet is Monday with the Wildcat Invite at the complex.

-Optimism is directly related to success in school, work, and play, mental and physical health, and strong social relationships. People with this strength have a positive vision of what the future holds and maintain confidence that they will get there. Studies have shown that Optimism is the most important predictor of resilience.


-Attention Seniors! The Newcastle Community Club Scholarship application is due to Mr. Kneifl by the end of the school day today. You can find the Appcentri link to this application on Mr. Kneifl's webpage on the school's website. See Mr. Kneifl if you have any questions or concerns.


-Attention students in Grades 9-11. Please check your email for an announcement concerning the Nebraska Rural Electric Youth Energy Leadership Camp this summer. Cedar-Knox PPD is one of the sponsors for this event.


-Optimism is directly related to success in school, work, and play, mental and physical health, and strong social relationships. People with this strength have a positive vision of what the future holds and maintain confidence that they will get there. Studies have shown that Optimism is the most important predictor of resilience.


-Ron Rolfes is offering Drivers Ed again this year. Any student that will be 14 by August 15, 2023 can take the class. Mandatory classroom time will be May 31 – June 6 from 8 to noon here at the school. Cost will be $300.00. You can pick up a registration at the office. Sign up early as class size is limited.