Daily Bulletin:

Thursday, April 6:


Breakfast for Monday:

Assorted Cereal





Lunch for Monday:

Chicken Alfredo



Fresh Veggies

Mandarin Oranges



-Ron Rolfes is offering Drivers Ed again this year. Any student that will be 14 by August 15, 2023 can take the class. Mandatory classroom time will be May 31 – June 6 from 8 to noon here at the school. Cost will be $300.00. You can pick up a registration at the office. Sign up early as class size is limited.


-HNS Track Invite today starting at 11:00. Dismiss the team at 9:45.


-Work on nurturing the character strength of Fairness today by telling the truth, listening to others with an open mind, and not blaming others for your mistakes.


-The Cobblestone Inn is looking for part-time Housekeeping help this summer. Please stop in at the hotel and talk to Julie DeBlauw if you are interested.