Thursday, April 19:

Breakfast for Tomorrow:

Sausage Biscuit




Lunch for Tomorrow:


Potato Smiles


Mandarin Oranges



-Reserve Track Meet today in Ponca. Team bus leaving at noon.

-Attention Seniors: A reminder that the Newcastle Community Scholarship is due tomorrow morning at 8:00. This application needs to be handed in to Mr. Kneifl.

-Seniors, Juniors, Sophomores: We need to have an accurate count of those of you who are coming to the post prom party. We need to know if you no longer are able to attend post prom because of the date change. We also need to know if you are NOW able to come since the date change. The Post Prom forms are at the front office. Please take them home and have your parents sign them if you can now attend. The "Outside Date" forms are also at the office.

THESE FORMS NEED TO BE RETURNED BY APRIL 23RD. If you have any questions. Please call Deb Harms at 402-316-6246. Thank you.

-The Northeast Community College Show Choir, “Ebony and Scarlet” will give a performance in our gym today.  The program will begin at 2:30 and end by 3:15. Cece Ponce is a member of the group. 

-Yearbook sales have begun.  Seniors, the Booster Club is once again paying for a portion of your yearbook.  Thanks to the Booster Club, the special price for seniors is $15. All other sales are $25. Please see A Yearbook staff member or Mrs. Pedersen with your order.

-Holy Trinity 8th & 9th grade Confirmation Students:  Reminder that all Winter Homework is due Sunday, April 22 at the Holy Trinity Parish Meeting Room anytime between 9:45 am -11:00 am.

Interview dates will be assigned only to those who turn in completed homework.

Bring your Confirmation Folder