Friday, March 16:

Breakfast for Monday:

Assorted Cereal




Lunch for Monday:

Grilled Chicken Sandwich

Baby Carrots

Cucumber & Tomato Slices




-Spring pictures will be Monday afternoon. Please remember to bring your uniforms!! Group pictures being taken are: Chorus, Band, Jazz Band, Speech, Big Cat/Little Cat, Wellness Committee, Boys Golf, HS Boys Track, HS Girls Track, Boys JH Track, Girls JH Track and Louder than a Bomb

-Students --

The sign-up sheet to help run the clock and sweep the floors for the Booster Club Tournament this weekend is in Mr. Uldrich's office.  Please see him to sign up for some times to volunteer.  The Booster Club Tournament is a fundraiser for the group, and they use that money to support our activities and programs.  Please see Mr. Uldrich to sign up!

-Also any seniors that need a senior spotlight questionnaire please see Mr. Stappert as soon as you can.

 -Please get your Prom RSVPs put into the purple box at the central office ASAP. If your date is not from the HNS junior or senior class you will need to pay $10.00 for their meal.

-Any boys in grades 7-12 interested in going out for Baseball this summer can pick up a registration form at the central office. Registrations must be turned in by April 4. Registration forms were sent home last Friday with the elementary.