Monday, November 9:


Breakfast for Tomorrow:

Sausage Biscuit





Lunch for Tomorrow:

Chicken Nugget

Fresh Broccoli & Cauliflower





-Attention seniors applying for the Susan T. Buffett Scholarship. There will be a meeting during homeroom in the Science lab on tomorrow. This meeting will include information and tips concerning this scholarship. Please attend if you think there is even a possibility that you may apply for this award.

-Veteran's Day Program will be at Cedar on Wednesday.  7-12 Band and Choir students are to wear dress clothes for the event.  Rehearsal time is at 2:00. They are doing two programs, the first will start at 2:30 and the second will start at 3:00


-Anyone interested in being on the school bowling team this year please contact Mr. Kalin or Nate Holan. We currently need a few more girl participants.