Thursday, November 14:


Breakfast for Monday:

Assorted Cereal





Lunch for Monday:


Steamed Corn

Cookies & Crème Salad

Baby Carrots




-No School tomorrow!

-Jr. Class Prom Decorations Meeting today during homeroom in Mrs. Pedersen’s room.


-Jr. High Wrestling Meet today at Madison at 4:00; dismiss Logan O, Kale K & Cole B at 1:45; team bus will leave at 2:00


-There will be play practice tonight for all cast and chorus, lights, and sound at 7 p.m.  Some groups or individuals may be asked to come in early.  That will be posted on the bulletin board and in google classroom by noon. 


-7-12th graders:  Please help in the collection of non-perishable food for our local food pantry. Collection begins Nov. 6-Nov. 22.  All donations may be placed in the tote by the main office. Thank you for your help.

-Holy Trinity/St. Michael Confirmation 8th & 9th Graders are invited and strongly encouraged to attend the 5:30 pm Mass on Sat., Nov 16th.  Archbishop George Lucas will be visiting our parish and will be the main celebrant. Students should plan to attend, come in dressed up attire, and sit together in the reserved front pews (without parent or sponsor).