Tuesday, October 17:

Breakfast for Tomorrow:

Chocolate Bread




Lunch for Tomorrow:

Mandarin Orange Chicken

Steamed Broccoli



Pineapple Chunks



-Attention juniors & seniors! The rep from the University of Nebraska @ Kearney will here today at 2:00 and the rep from Joseph's School of Beauty will be here Thursday, October 19th with the time to be announced at a later date. Please see Mr. Kneifl for sign-out sheets if you wish to visit with these reps.

-Varsity Volleyball Triangular tonight at Emerson-Hubbard. HNS vs. Emerson-Hubbard @ 5:30, HNS vs. Winside @ 6:15, Winside vs. Emerson-Hubbard @ 7:30.

Games will play ahead when possible. Dismiss the team at 3:07; Team bus will leave at 3:25

-Just a reminder to please sign up today for the Cross Country Spirit Bus. If you do not sign up today you will not be able to ride.

-There will be play practice for speaking parts only tomorrow morning at 6:45 a.m. on the stage.

-Everyone Loves Something Free…..Free Fruit Friday is this Thursday, October 19th!! Wellness Committee members will be handing out fruit at the central office starting at 7:35.